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2nd IWGoRS workshop

The 2nd IWGoRS workshop aims at bringing together everyone interested in rotational ground motions. This includes seismic instrumentation, earthquake sources and non-standard stress-strain relations, the theory of wave propagation and inverse problems for structure and source, strong ground motion and earthquake engineering, long-period seismology, noise correlation studies, and any other area of application such as general physics. The Meeting takes place from October 10-13, 2010 in the Masaryk's College, Prague. Registration is now open. The Meeting is co-sponsored by the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Munich and the EU-funded QUEST project. Deadline for submitting titles and abstracts is August 20, 2010. We strongly recommend early registration so that the organizing committee can begin scheduling the meeting. Note that hotel reservations should be made by the participants themselves. Below you find  a list of hotels for your convenience.